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Name: Leksi

Age: 26 Years Old

Children: 2 Boys

Relationship: Common-Law

Location: Ontario, Canada

Career: Fitness Enthusiast/ Instructor

Hair Color: Natural Blonde

Eye Color: Green-Blue

Star Sign: Leo

Just because you're a mother does not mean you need to sacrifice your body & beauty. Our children of course, should stay our number one priority, but mom's need to dedicate time to themselves too. After all, how can we love others if we cannot love ourselves?


This site is for the stay-at-home mom, the working mom or the busy mom in between. I'll show you how to get sexy, stay organized, fit & healthy. By managing your time and money, you can make time for YOU!


Join me in this journey. I'll provide tons of resources, tools and information to get you started and well on your way. If you ever need motivation, encouragement or advice, email me or use the contact form to send me a message. Now let's get started...!

Calling All Mum's . . .

The 123's to being a Hot Mama . . .

1. Exercise Daily

I'll show you the best moves to stay in shape and quick and simple routines that will get you fit fast and reclaim your body.



2. Eat Healthy & Diet Properly

The most important advice I can give you is to eat healthy, fat-burning foods and keep track of how many calories you're consuming in a day. You're not going to notice those sexy muscles under fat if you don't help burn the fat off as well.



3. Beautify Yourself

Every mom needs to have fun with her hair and make-up. I'll show you step-by-step tutorials and awesome tips for achieving the perfect look. Discover the latest fashion and hair trends.



4. Develop a Skin Care Regimen

We all know clear, beautiful skin is essential for putting our best face forward. I'll show you natural remedies for obtaining and maintaining beautiful acne-free skin, with treatments that work 100%! I also provide you with daily skin-care routines to keep skin clear and healthy. 



5. Turn YOUR Home into a Dream Home

I'll show you amazing DIY (Do It Yourself) projects to help beautify your home and make it unique. With tons of helpful decorating tips and advice, you'll be a pro interior designer in no time!



6. Organize Your Time & Create a Budget

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a busy working mom, you can still work-out, get dolled up and have time to prepare healthy meals if you develop a daily routine. Routines help organize time and allow us to complete tasks quicker and more efficiently because we know what to expect next. It also helps us to remember specific events. If you develop a plan to organize your expenses and income, you can set aside money for those things that make you sexy. I'll also provide you with lists of affordable shopping sites, discount sites and even a debt payment plan to tackle any debt that might be stressing you out. I'll also show you how to COUPON!



7. Be a Better Mum

Our kids are the most important thing to us, so I've compiled dozens of articles and helpful tips and advice to help you better parent your child. I've included bedtime routines, healthy meal plans, fun crafts and activities, postitive discipline methods, how to fix behavioural problems and so much more.


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